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A really good free game. Tho I wish I could see how the enemy heals, deal damage, or blocks. Is it random or has a set value? does it depend on how much the value of dice I placed?

overall it took me a few hours to complete, I had a great time playing

Does anyone know of any similar games?

Backpack hero , kinda similar  

i tried it but i dont really get it its a bit confusing

shogun showdown is great

already beat it lmao

Dicey dungeons is a game I would recommend.

a few flaws but overall this game is amazing a bit of tuning and it would be perfect


Interesting games concept, though sadly not able to rise to the standards set by Monster Train, Dicey Dungeons, and the grand daddy of them all: Slay the Spire. However this is a free game with freakishly good sprite animations and an engaging concept. The game is carried exclusively by the unique enemies, however encounters a bizarre difficulty spike after the first boss. It's good but I feel it's not nearly addicting enough to warrant being a roguelike. However I'd give it a solid 7/10 for it's ability to hold more than one play though, the good sprites, and the execution of a decent concept. Good job. 

If you ever redesign the UI again, I'd be more than happy to help do the pixel art for it

(I can do .gifs)


I love it. Took me around 5 hours to clear the game. Got 4 medals, and killed the evil cursed frog.


Got to floor 20.

Me and 3 of my friends love this game. I showed them and they started playing a lot.

this game is flawless
(1 edit)

This game's fun as fuck

This game is fun as hell. Super relies on having an actually good build to get past the bee though.
But my 'brother' couldn't step to me in the slightest. Floor 21 with the two armor bugs and one heal bug was harder lmao

Really fun game!

I also tried upgrading my dice when they were maxed and now i think im stuck


There seems to be a bug where whenever you randomize dice they are always attack, this killed a good run when I got the jester or whatever it was called and it randomized all my dice into attack dice.


I noticed the same thing.

Beat the whole game. 

I followed this guide:

Start with upgrading and removing dice, saving the "get new die" option for later if possible, since the quality of dice you get from that goes up the later you get. I tend to grab upgrades on an attack die and a block die early, while my first removal is one of the three boost dice. Don't upgrade the heal die at all, you want to eventually replace it with a Hollow if anything, though you can get by without if you get your deck quality up early. I try to end up with 1x gold attack, 1x gold defense, 2x silver boost, and 1x normal mirror die or 1x gold hollow mirror die. You CAN get 2x mirror dice, and that's fine but you have to make sure your deck is pared down if you don't want to get stuck with a bad hand. Gold booster dice are not good since they can roll 4, which is bad for the mirror dice.

Other than the core 5, I usually will end up with some mixture of:

1x heavy block die, silver or higher

1x hollow booster die, silver

1x hollow attack die, silver or higher

1x healing die, hollow or Miracle

Check out the dice wiki article for info on special dice


great fun, and cute visual

Very good game! I find the start screen could be a little cooler. I am a big fan tho!

Can you guys make an app for phones?

I would love to play this game whenever I could. thank you.

Well done, on the way to becoming something really great.

i didn't got an F- this time :)

also 99% out of curiosity is it possible to get 50 or more max hp?

How do you beat these guys?! 


you dont :)


You hurt me sir, but you're quite right

This game is amazing! From the phenomenal art, to the comic relief, to the fun gameplay 11/10 game

love the game had a bit of a problem with data saving on mobile. (IOS to be specific) some ideas I came up with for an enemy could be something that explodes or an enemy that weakens you with a status effect. A cool dice idea was a weakness dice that effects the enemy.
But great job on the game it took me about 1 week to beat of on and off playing throughout my day. Keep up the good work.

Nice game, could work really well on mobile.

This game is amAAAAAAZING! 

Give it a try!



J'ai vraiment adoré ce jeu, très addictif et le concept autour des dés est vraiment très cool ! 

Il est vrai qu'il n'est pas facile, j'ai fait une vidéo il y a quelques temps dessus, si vous avez besoin d'un peu d'aide pour démarrer ou découvrir le jeu pour les francophones ! 



Nice concept, game is fun to play and requires wit. Its a smart game and I really love it.

I like the concept! But the rng is SUPER wack, i can barely get to the first boss.
Game is still enjoyable though.

theres only the bee boss if i can remember correctly 

no spoilers but the bee boss is a mini boss :)

dang its been awhile since ive beat the game but it was the end when i beat it 

(1 edit)

What? I can't even get it under 100 HP

I hate rng, but you manage to spin quiet the novel concept. Game feels complete, but the rng is wack.

Liked the game but it would be better if it wasn't this ruthlessly hard, i can get the best run ever just for queen bee to one shot me

First time ever getting to the queen bee today, and i was doing fine, until it hit me for around 40 damage, out of no where, and one shot me. Im like wtf? Thats really rng based to get the right dice to deal with that.


skill issue


wowie the games actually original

Deleted 188 days ago

The only thing they have in common is the dungeon feel, that's not new to slay the spire. This game is a "deck/dice building" game with combat, yes there's a lot of those but the game is charming.

Deleted 188 days ago
(1 edit)

i was not aware of this, i'll go check it out

i love this

el juego es realmente divertido y la mecanica muy interesante, al igual que los graficos son muy bonitos 

solo veo pocas cosas malas en este juego:

-se hecha en falta un tutorial opcional en el menu de inicio 

-en las opsiones de juego solo se puede quitar o dejar el sonido en lugar de poder bajarlo de forma gradual 

-me gustaria que pudieras ver cuanto daño te hara el enmigo antes de atacar, para incentivar mas la extrategia de a cual matar primero 

-las mecanicas de la reina abeja son un poco confusas y aun no entiendo que hacer con la miel o las casillas marcadas con una corona y no e podido avansar mas de hay por esas mismas razones 

tambien me gustaria sugerir 

-algun tipo de mini mapa para saber cuando habra algun evento especial

muchas gracias al desarrollador/a por este juego y espero que siga creciendo 

bendiciones :)



My favorite game to play over coffee in the morning. Thank you!


Love it!!! The graphics are literally delightful and the strategy and mechanics of the game make it super fun :)

Almost sub 11 minutes

Hot dog I can't wait til I get here! I just can't figure out the strategy with the red cloaked skeleton

What's the strategy with the red cloaked skellie archers? They hit harder than the Queen Bee does!

cover the red spaces

that is ur weak spot however i have no idea how does ur weak spot moves in a diffrent spot each turn

Those guys are easy ;D I am talking about the archers with cloaks that look like skeletons: They attack twice like the purple cloaked archers; but they hit like crazy 20 a hit, and after the queen bee boss there are three of them... they have 15 hlth to start. I have yet to get back to the frog after he one shot kills you


Roach Easter Egg :D
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