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I'm not gonna lie, I've spend easily 20 hours playing this game over the last 3 days. Very addicting. This game should be on Steam and you should put it on the appstore as well.

Just a small note for the web version on the phone - I can't seem to choose who I attack. On pc it's simple but for the phone I can't choose. Other than that, this is lightning in a bottle!

OOO! Fun!


What if we get Loaded Die modifier, can roll any number but it's only one use

good idea lol

its a great roguelike but we should have more energy

aaaaaaaaaaaaa i want play why my pc is soo trash


I made it to the Queen Bee on my first playthrough, but couldn't figure out what to do with the honey, and I got one-shotted (perhaps as a result of what I did?)  I noticed that honey jars filled slots X spaces away, and "stacking" honey spaces didn't do anything, so I thought I might need to fill every open space with honey.  I guess not! :D


they are there to block you from placing dice, defeat the monsters and the jars will disappear one at a time.


loving it!

just a heads up, when i downloaded the game there was no way to play in windowed mode that i could figure out. would be nice.

also i would like if the dice placed into the grid would still show their attributes when hovered over. i found myself putting them back in hand to see which were glass and which were hollow as im still not used to differentiating at a glance


I'm completely in love with this game! 


This game is awesome! I found it a few months ago and it was as addicting then, but I didn't realize it was still being developed. I love the new music and the new enemies/dice/events add much more depth to the game. You can get some crazy synergies now.

I appreciate the UI improvements. Those axe guys were really unclear before. I still think adding the ability to skip or cancel after choosing the "add dice" option would be a nice addition. It kinda sucks when you get bad rng and have to choose a die that weakens your deck. Having volume controls in the pause menu would be great too.

This game feels much more balanced overall. Most enemies are much more fair, and while you can still get screwed over in one turn, you typically have enough control of your build to prevent this. Really happy I checked back on this game and I'm excited to see what else you guys come up with!

please in the next update allow weaker computers like my windows 7 32 bit to play this game i loved it

my win 7 plays it fine.

mine crashes after loading

Not trying to be mean, but exactly zero devs should be catering to the five of you left in the world that still have 32 bit OSs. It shouldn't even cost you anything to reinstall to 64 bit. 

That said, I'd be surprised if your problem was being on 32 bit in the first place. Do you only have 1gb ram or something?


Addictive game. The "ONE MORE RUN" feel is absolute with this.

Pretty hard immediately after a few levels,  and actually requires strategising turns instead of all-out attacks as soon as you're able. This means you need both sheer luck and brainpower to master the game.

I would just point out a couple things that I'd see as nice:

  • Ability to speed up animations. Like, if you keep mouse buttons pressed it goes x2, and maybe even x3-x4 speed if you hold both buttons. Not that big of a deal, but multi-hit attacks (especially with lots of enemies) draw out fights a lot.
  • Does the pause button really work? It stops animations, but the timer keeps going. Is this intended? TBH it could be, since you're still able to see enemies and dice and you could exploit it to think out strategies while keeping time score low.
  • As some people said below, the "Give up" button is just a "Restart". Makes sense in the kind of game it is, but maybe make it two buttons? Restart Run button + Give Up / Title Screen?
  • This would mean making title screen a little more "appealing". Maybe insert a way to see what achievements you have obtained.
  • Finally, for how much this game is fast-paced, a "save" function would still be lovely. It's perfect to put in a little run on lunch break, but having to crush that perfect dice deck because you're already 5 minutes over break is a little heartwrenching.

I do understand though that points 3-4-5 are more suited for a full length game, rather than a roguelite.

As for the lack of tutorial, I'd say newcomers might find help in at least a little introduction. Maybe a "training before entering the dungeon" kind of setup. 

Can't really vouch for it though, I'm used to different roguelite types so it wasn't a big issue to me, I wouldn't be the best person to suggest tutorial ideas.

(4 edits) (+1)

Great game! I've played for a while and the game has really gotten better.

Once the game gets further in development, I would totally pay for it. I could also see a board game version of this, that would be interesting.

A few common questions I've seen that I can answer:

To pause/quit the game, you need to enter full screen for some reason.

Honey dice halve your dice normally but double your dice on marked squares (these effects stack).

Terrain dice come from a random event, and I think grow dice do too.

Also: you can upgrade gold terrain dice a bit to make them even better!

A few suggestions: 

An optional tutorial would be nice.

That's really all! Thanks for the great game!

>To pause/quit the game, you need to enter full screen for some reason.

I think the WebPlayer version gets drawn over by the quickmenu on the side.
I had the same issue that I couldn't pause/give up, then widened the window (on a 1920px wide monitor) and managed to pause - Only thing that changed was the position of the "View all by Alarts / Follow / Add to collection..." quick actions.

Oh, right. I forgot about that.


All it needs is a tutorial


This is an amazing game, but there are a few things that could make this game so much better.

1. I think something this game really needs is a difficulty setting. I have played this game for absolute ages and never gotten to the bee boss. I think a difficulty setting would be amazing to give players a challenge while still letting them be able to see the boss.

2. I would like to know how the heck you are supposed to get the two secret dice. Is it just rng? If so please change that because that could get really frustrating.

3. Just add more dice, enemies, and bosses. This could evolve into a fully fledged game. Heck, you could even add a story. This game has amazing potential.

In Summary: I think you should add a difficulty setting, make a better way to get the two secret dice, and start making this into a fully fledged game with more dice, enemies, bosses, and even a story.


Pro tip to get a good die. If you ever get the option to pick the poop attack die, pick it. If you upgrade it it will turn into the holy attack die which will always give you a six.

i like it


Great game, but the streingth-to-difficulty inrease is way too high i keep dying between floors 10 and 15 and when i do make it to the queen its practically impossible to get enough shielding to not die within 4 rounds due to the jelly dice. But even WITHOUT the jelly dice taking up all the space its hard to get enough shield to make those 20dmg points not hit you like a truck


I'm playing this game straight 2 days. This game is AMAZING, very polished.

Low bow to its creators. Thanks for the game!

Also I can't play without rocking the glasses for my lil dude. It just looks so much better that way haha


This unlock has not done anything for me yet when I reach the final boss? I keep beating the queen bee, and I have seen this message several times. How do you beat the frog at the end?

This game is very amazing and nice. Really like it


Nice game <3


Downloaded a while back (evidently still 1.3) but had really enjoyed it and was able to figure out the mechanics despite no explicit tutorials, which is pretty great in itself.


the music is better now but it still sounds garage-bandy and unprofessional


Very interesting concept. I think this game has a future

i agree


Awesome game! Love the 1.5 update. <3
Couple points I thought I should mention:

- There's no way to actually quit the game?? Like the "Give Up" button on pause just restarts the run, and there is no pause menu to say "Quit".

- After passing a certain point in the run, the enemies went from challenging but difficult to straight up murderous difficulty. One room had 3 enemies in the room and one of them alone did 12 damage to me and there was no mathematical way I could defend or endure the onslaught.


I play on mobile (in browser) and it works great. 100% would pay to see a mobile release, more content and balance tweaks. It’s fun & fresh, but also addictive & difficult.


... The mirror doesn't work with terrain die?

(1 edit)

I dont know how to play this but its a good game


This game is amazing! PLEASE put this on early access, you all should be compensated for this.

A couple of notes for future updates:

  • The finish button needs to be a different color. I spend about five minutes before realizing that the button was there. When the player finishes placing their dice, make that button light up. It’ll get the player’s attention immediately!

  • Give a tutorial- interactive is preferred but even a small one is good! The quicker you can get your player to understand your game the quicker they see the brilliance in its design.

100% agree

aw i after this new att i cant play more because my pc is trash

You should definitely put this on Steam Early Access and charge for it. It's fantastic and you deserve to make money on it. And if it starts selling you can add more content and keep amplifying those sales. And if it doesn't sell, well, then you haven't lost anything. :)

An absolutely simple and fun roguelike dice game.  I constantly find myself forgetting to go to bed while playing.

I got killed by another frog that did 50+ damage on their first go


when you go to there gain , you can fight him directly


Really fun game!


I hate getting bullied by the three purple guys with bows and arrows 😭


This game is great and it's so cool how often the devs are updating it!

Two bugs I found:

1.  When fighting the Bee with music and sfx muted when it goes into red mode the sound comes back on.

2. When you beat the frog the second time the text says "Not even with this cursed sword I can beat you" I think it's supposed to be  "can I beat you"

I like the change to the floor skipping event. Previously there was no reward and no reason to use it, this gives you something for losing out on upgrades.

Got into a battle after having my dice randomized and after one turn lost my only red die. I had 7 boost and one shield, so I couldn't take damage, but couldn't deal damage. Soft locked.

it's annoying when you sometimes only get boost cards, it's even more annoying you died because you only had boost cards

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