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It would be cool if there was modifier that caused a dice to always roll the same thing, it would redundant or something. 

(1 edit)

Really fun and addictive game! I am truly impressed by the people who have beaten the game. The axe guy is brutally powerful, and coming across two at once is tough, esp when they each do 10 damage. Do they get the power-up if a heavy die is stuck in their slot? It seems they do 10 damage regardless. 

Also I still have not the slightest clue about the last boss. How did you all figure this out? And how/when do you decide to remove dice?

If you have to many attack dice, you might remove a poop(The games terms not mine!) one so that you come across better dice more often.

Well a poop is AMAZING because if you upgrade it once it turns into The Holy, which is a 6 attack every time! But it does require that upgrade. However I think maybe some boosts might not be helpful by the end. Especially an un-upgraded one. And upgrading a boost only upgrades from 1/2 chance of it being a 1 to 1/3 chance of being a 1, while introducing the 3. 


SERIOUSLY??????????? Ididn't know you could upgrade poop... Well thats a game changer for sure. Ya, I don't like boosts. Because a power 2 boost is better than power three, just because it has way more points of impact.

Deleted 2 years ago

Is it possible to get a heavy heal die? Cause if so, that is the most overpowered thing ever...

Yes I got one. It's great but also you need it to come up at the right times. Sometimes it'll hide from you.

Thats for sure, part of a good deck is just the balance sometimes, but even with a balanced deck, you can start your turn with no boosts or defence, wich is pretty much your death.

(1 edit)

I just got one that's heavy and not glass.

So no, this is the most overpowered die ever. (...assuming the image is currently visible.)

I can't see the picture, but a non glass heal die sounds OP.

Cool game! Love the pun in the title. Also refreshing to see a fun non-horror game on, seems like those are hard to find.

(1 edit)

Thanks for making this great game. So much strategy now with the final boss. I feel like removing cards from your deck is much weaker because of the bloat from the Queen Bee. Choose a card is crazy good late game because you almost always get a top tier card and you are thickening your deck against the honey dies. Still not sure what the Bee's attack pattern is.

Thanks for playing :)

I got some good rng here buddy chum pal  this is hard at start but main the attak dice first if you can remove the boost dice in the middle dungons so you have more consistaint damage

The art used in this game was so cute and such a fun game as I was able to move around all the places that I wanted to go and the levels of the game was very equal.


A cute game that enforces strategic thinking. Played it instead of studying, but the game is worth every failed class.
Couldn't manage to get further level with two hammer beetles and  shield one, will try again a bit later.


Hahaha, hopefully your professor is not around reading this... and thanks for the comment!


Thank you so much for this game!  I got mildly addicted to it in the previous version (1.2) and was very excited to see this come out.

I actually took a ton of game testing notes this time including a spreadsheet detailing my approach to 8 different runs, and which enemies I encountered.  If you'd like I could share the entire thing but for now I'll just post the highlights.

The first time I met the boss queen bee I was low on health and died immediately. The second time, I knocked the queen bee down about halfway before dying, but hadn't quite figured out what the marked spots and honey did. The third time, I figured out exactly what was going on, which made me excited to get back to it the fourth time, which is when I finally won. That was around run #20 (I've attached the FIN sheet to that run).

I've figured out how to beat the healing moth easily by saving the right dice for a few turns and attacking all at once. But a lot of players might not figure that out. I notice that it never appears on the first floor anymore in this update but it still comes in on the second. At first I thought you could push it back a few levels, but that only helps if the player consistently upgrades dice in the first couple levels to have a better shot at beating them.  Instead, I'd probably lower its healing capability slightly, or give it 10 HP instead of 12.  By the way, I personally don't have a problem with it now that I know how to beat it but I worry an enemy like this in the early stages of the game will cause some players to quit.

The first time I faced an axe bug, he was the only opponent. I think that's good for a player meeting a new enemy for the first time, especially one as difficult and complex as this guy.  In later runs he wasn't alone though, which would have been annoying if it was my first time seeing him.

The blocker beetles look interesting but they don't really change how I play - there's still plenty of room on the board to place dice. What if they also block the path of your boost dice? I imagine the boost dice's power travels through the grooves of the board, so if a blocker dice is in the path of a 2-4 level boost dice, it negates it?

I'd love to see new dungeons with different boards! The current board is spacious and open but you could try different boards like long skinny ones, or very small ones, which would lead to using different tactics.

I've noticed I subconsciously place defense dice on the left half of the board and attack dice on the right half. I wonder if that could be used in some way, perhaps on other boards?

After my successful run, I decided to try some runs where I limited my dice bag to just 7 or 8. It turns out this is a great strategy as I immediately won my next two runs in a row. In fact, I think it's an overpowered strategy... I'd either find a way to disincentivize removing dice, or make it harder or impossible to do so. Otherwise, it makes it feel like the "correct" way to play the game if you want to win, and I think you should be able to win with other strategies too.

That's all I have for now... if you want to see the more nitty-gritty side of my notes let me know!

(3 edits) (+1)

Wow, that's a big one, truly a detailed comment! Thank you for taking the time to write it and making some suggestions, we're constantly working on expanding the depth of the game and feedback like this is really valuable.

I'd love to see those notes btw!

I found you on Twitter so I sent a link there!


The Queen Bee at the end is so satisfying to beat. This was only the second time  that I reached floor 20.


being able to select your dice with the digits on your keybord could be a nice little add-on


You'll be happy to know we're considering adding hotkeys in the future ;)





havent played the new update yet been playing the downloaded version but excited for the new stuff

im a big fan and hope the great work keeps coming


great game, would love to see what the enemies are going to do on the next turn like in Slay the Spire but game works very well already

noice game :)


Great update!

This update has been absolutely great! I've loved this game ever since I found it. I play on my browser most of the time and didn't check the update log, so imagine my surprise when new enemies showed up. The limits on the board they imposed were a great addition to the game! I think I found a bug though with that orange enemy with the axe. No matter what, it always dealt a solid 10 damage to me even if there are dice or no dice on it's little attack boost "spell area". I imagine it's supposed to do 5 normally and then double that if there's dice in it's area? It has made the game considerably harder in any case, even though I haven't run into it on every run.

Those red axe bugs are tough, but they are working correctly. Try looking at the "spell area" as a whole.

Made it till floor 16 in this update. Good going on this game. It's much improved and still damn fun. 

Except I had a question though.....

Sometimes the mirror dice would come up as 0 places. Is this intentional or a bug ?


I believe that's a silver mirror dice. It has a 66% chance that it will be blank (33% it will be a mirror). Need to upgrade to gold for it to be 100% mirror. It's always been like that.

Good to know. This is the first time I came upon this though lol

Does this game have any strange dice similar to the mirror dice?


Great game!
but maybe a suggestion?
either a Multi-Attack Dice, or each dice attacks seperately

there has been many times where I deal 7 damage to a enemy with 6hp left and the other enemy had like 1 HP left, and they defeated me

(1 edit) (+6)

definitely an upgrade

Would it be possible to get some hotkeys? Clicking and dragging can get tiresome. I was thinking each of the dice would be 1-5; pressing one would "stick" that die to the mouse cursor, and you could just click in a spot to place it. 

Better yet: pressing 1-5 would snap the die into whatever space the cursor is over, that way no clicking is required for battle


We're definitely looking into hotkeys as a way of making runs less of a hassle for experienced players. Thanks for your suggestions!


Nice update, the game feels more balanced with this update.


Thank you for playing :)


I found a super annoying bug in the newest update - when you select “upgrade one die” when your deck is open, it doesn’t let you upgrade anything and effectively locks the game. It ended a couple really promising runs for me ;-;


Thank you for the report! We will fix it as quickly as possible

Thanks a lot, I love your game BTW! And I can’t believe I haven’t followed you earlier. Guess I must’ve forgot, huh


Just uploaded a new version where the issue should be fixed :)

Sorry for the promising runs tho ;(


I love this game, this game is good, this game makes me think that flies are food.

Copies the place of a dice 0 places away? Ok...? How..?


Rolling a 0 basiclly means that die doesn't work this time.

Low-level mirror dice that aren't hollow are such a pain. When they're hollow, at least they're cheap to reroll.

(7 edits) (+2)

Incredible Game concept, and promising updates!!

Heres a rather extensive list of changes/additions I would like to see after playing quite a few hours a couple of months ago and some rounds after the newest update: 

-Make the "heal full HP" reward actually heal full HP, not 10 flat HP.. Or at least make it an X% of HP so it doesnt stagnate as quickly, when you have 35 hp 10 is really not noteworthy.

-Dice rewards should ALWAYS have at least one silver option in the early game.
Theres no real incentive to ever pick it over an upgrade/heal/remove until circa round 5.

-The option to skip the reward AFTER choosing it, I think this is one of the most important things.

-A more linear Difficulty curve rather than pure RNG in Terms of encounters, it feels weird to be able to either spawn one 6 HP Fly or two 6 HP Flies with a Healer/10 HP Fly on the same floor (aka Room Number), it can really mess up a run early if you get something really tough, or boost one too quick when you get something really easy.
Middleground would be the way to go.
I am aware you have already done a lot of work in this department but it still needs more finetuning, the first few encounters are just way too decisive (probably having to do with the overall shortness the game currently suffers).

-More bosses OR New Game + as a placeholder, which just scales up enemy stats by double or something along that line!
That way you could actually use your God Build for something.
It takes about 15 rounds to get real strong, and then the run is already over 5 rounds later.
That would of course require some more layers of Dice variety, maybe unlocking a new pool of even stronger dice-variants/Tiers (above Gold) in the new game plus, and removing basic dice from the pool.
Some Ideas ive got are:
~a Die that does absolutely nothing, but when you pick it up it gives you some kind of reward after being played a certain amount of times. It could even have negative effects like dealing self damage if the payoff is worth it.
~a Vampire/Leech die that heals you for the damage dealt this round / by that dice.
~a Thorny Block die that deals blocked damage back to the attacker.
~an Attack Die that cleaves multiple enemies in one attack (or is that already in the game? Im not sure).
~a Corrupted Healing Die that reverses the heal effect but adds some cool mechanic to it.
~Hybrid Dice that combine the effects of Basic Dice.

-More enemy types, but im sure thats already planned.

-More Room Designs, Ambient Elements, Music (altough that one track is fire).
This is of course relatively low priority, the mechanincs and gameplay are key.

-Some kind of Achievement system that lets you collect cosmetics such as Dice/Monster/Room skins across runs, including a Main Menu collection page to view and choose from them.
A few examples would be:
~You managed to deal over 20 Damage in one Round and now you get an Achievement called "D20!" along with a basic attack dice skin.
A few runs later you manage top it by doing 30 damage the next tier of said achievement called "D30?!?!" is reached, an attack dice skin is unlocked and now silver attack dices dices are also skinned.
~You collected 4 golden Mirror dices in a single run unlocking some special version of Mirror dice for future runs.
~Beat the boss a certain number of times, or without Losing HP --> unlock a new skin pattern/colour variant/weapon/cape for your beloved Frog.

Something to show and remind you of the amazing, funny and cool situations you've had.

-Ultimately a few more layers of complexity, but im sure thats coming anyways seeing the last new dice additions being really cool!
Though I hope for either some kind of Run to Run progression (which might turn some hardcore roguelike players off, but you could make it optional), or some kind of Class / Relic system.
Make runs more distinct from each other and give them an increased sense of direction and specialization.

Great game, im excited to see where it goes.

Encountered JavaScript Error after upgrading an attack dice

Where are the instructions for the game. I think I understand it, but would like to make sure. Any help would be great! Thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

/!\ SPOILER /!\
I don't know what level of details you want, but from my experience:
- Aim : Finish the dungeon (20 rooms)
- Fights : You may select the enemy you want to hit, you can only hit one enemy by turn (thus you may want to count and optimize your damages), die placement in the grid is important (purple dices)
- Bonuses between stages : life (heal or increase HP pool), add die (with either slight probabilities differences and/or specific abilities), remove die, and upgrade die (three levels : basic, silver and gold).
Tell me if you want extra details, but for that small (but very nice) game, this might already spoil a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(1 edit)


Wow, that is awesome. I finally beat it for first time. With a time of 34. Had a defence sorta build. Mind telling me (if you remember) what dice you had for this run? I am curious. 

Nice !
I don't remember what was my exact build...
But usually, what I do is first to fully upgrade an attack die, then remove not useful dices (1 defense and 2 boost) and last add some die from level 11 or 12.
The aim is to have at least two attack dices in the end, with some boost and a bit of defense.
That way runs are usually around 10 minutes but can be less than that (current WR by Dragomadryl around 7:20 minutes).

(1 edit)

Great Game ! Let's see if it's doable to complete it under 13 minutes ^^


A fun mini-game. Maybe 5-size deck is a bit too strong.


Amazing game, one small comment: I think the heal potion reward should tell you how much HP it heals, I read it first thinking that it was a full heal, but it only heals 10 HP.

Beat the game with just removing and upgrading the starting dice (I added a boost partway through and removed a lower level starting boost but that turned out to be a mistake).  One attack, one defense, the starting heal die, and two boosts.  Every turn you play the attack and defense dice and the highest boost.  When you have enough defense you get both boosts to three and then play them on the heal die to heal back any health you lost. Worked fine, though I was losing health rather than gaining it on the boss and the last two fights before it, just not enough to matter.

What's the weird black shadow after you beat the boss? It just appeared with hollow wind music and then the end screen played...

(2 edits)

Great work! Just wanted to try it for a minute because I liked the art style. Kept playing all the way through it. Judging by the others, I’m probably a very slow player. But it was a blast of an hour I had!

Well done. ♥

Die in the Dungeon is actually a nice Game Jam game. The aim in this game is to kill the enemies using the abilities of the dice.

ez for shield tatic 

Absolutely fantastic game! However it does seem that being lucky enough to get your hands on a Miracle and two Overkill dice, alongside a Silver Heavy Block, and then upgrading your entire dice pool to gold manages to break the game a little bit. I barely took any damage at all in the last several floors :V

The main dice mechanic is incredibly fun and makes expands the potential of making new combinations, incredible game, great job.

(1 edit)

Awesome game! I hope to see more from these developers!

best game that i played

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