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Amazing Game


lol got to floor 18 without dying, how do i see the end screen?

You have to beat the boss at floor 20 ^^

Small complaint, but I don't like how you can't resize the window when it's windowed. Besides that, it's a very good game!

I'm finally cleared it with 3 attack dice, one defense dice, one recovery dice, and 2 boost dice. I think 6-8 dice are the most stable. Of course, I only cleared it once.


oh my god here please take my whole sunday afternoon. i love you, sword frog. 12/10 would marry.

(1 edit)

my best run
it was a lot of luck. Two overkills + silver mirror hollow dice at the end + enough upgrade and drop abilities to get almost fully gold deck at the 11-12 round, when I started to acquire new dices

Nice game! It was very fun, wish there were more dice, but other than that it was a great.

Damn this game sure is great!
It works on phone too, but I kinda wish it got released for android as standalone .apk, wouldn't even mind an ad here or there ether :)


Needs a LOT more dice which actually care how they are placed. Currently the game is kind of boring because die placement takes up a lot of your time but isn't difficult or interesting once you get used to the math.


 I like this game! It definitely has a connection to Dicey Dungeons! 


Really enjoyed this! Would love to see more updates ^^

Nice concept! Good game! Thank You!

(1 edit)

Just tried this game out and got to say it was realy good. I do have a few things I would like to see added in like when your choosing a dice to add to your deck you would have to ulock different dice at a hub or something before you would see it in the dungeon, also a kill screen would be cool instead of just auto starting a run lastly I wish you where able to trade in one dice per turn and have it swaped for one in your deck.

I know this is still pretty early into development and you might already plan on adding some of the things i said just keep on working on it but DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE BRAKES.

fun game 10/10 would recomend


Hahaha, thanks for the advice! Glad you liked our little game :)

no problem its a great game and it deserves to be noticed 


Ayee lets goo!! This  game is great, hope there are updates in the  future:)


Nice! Rest assured, there's a new update currently in the making ;)

I love the game but it has little replay ability due to how simple the dice are, since there is only a few different ways you can use the dice to reach the end, so i think that if you added like a few more dice types or some sort of perk system it would add more to the different strategies to make each playthrough a bit more unique

Your wishes might come true in the future ;)


sé que es como un juego de roll, pero no se entiende bien cómo jugar. Me meto y me dice que ponga unos dados y no se entiende


Voy a intentar hacer un resumen rápido:

Al comenzar el juego, tienes un mazo de 9 dados del que irás robando a tu mano (los 5 dados en la parte inferior de la pantalla). Los dados de tu mano pueden colocarse en el tablero de arriba, cuando un dado se coloca en el tablero su efecto se aplicará al final del turno (al apretar el botón de "Finish"). El efecto de cada dado depende de su color, hay 3 tipos de dados básicos:

Rojo, para atacar enemigos.

Azul, para ponerte escudo y bloquear daño.

Verde, para curarte.

El número del dado indica el valor, por ejemplo si un dado rojo tiene un 3 en su cara, hará 3 de daño al enemigo. Sin embargo, hay un color de dado más:

Morado, que suma su valor a los dados objetivo. Si el dado morado tiene un 2 en su cara, sumará 2 de valor a todos los dados que estén a 2 casillas de él.

Espero que esta breve explicación te sirva para empezar a jugar, el juego definitivamente necesita un tutorial (simple), pero estamos dando prioridad a añadir contenido nuevo ahora mismo. ¡Qué disfrutes jugando! :)

Muchas gracias


New PB. 

(2 edits) (+3)

17 minutes 17 seconds!

And I saw a glimpse of a witch (?) before the end screen. I wonder if you have to beat the game faster than 15 minutes to fight it?

Love this game! haha


I think I found a glitch...

I don't know what I did the activate it but there's a green circle like the healing one and it stayed there

other than that 10/10 game

my record is floor 14


Can we move the skip reward from the  first  screen to  the second? I'd   like to skip new dice sometimes 


My fastest win yet! 22:10. I ended with:

  • 1 x silver heal
  • 2 x gold attack
  • 2 x gold block
  • 1 x gold hollow mirror (the only dice I added)

Also, it would be nice if the win screen showed the deck you finished with.

This game is really fun! There's a lot to expand on if the devs choose, and the premise is very simple to understand. Altho it's very hard! And I personally wasn't fond of the music. 

No matter what I'm excited to see how this is expanded in the future! 

(2 edits) (-1)

Yo honestly, this game is fun.  Whenever I clock into work I just play this all day but this shit is so poorly balanced it ridiculous.  Between the constant wars of attrition between the fucking moth who can self heal up to max HP several times throughout the fight, with no way to combat that other than praying he decides to attack or you roll high enough, the shitty beetle who not only shields himself but his team multiple times with the same issue, to the final boss being all around unbeatable without the correct RNG, it is a mess.   I get it, its a game and not a big deal but frankly this is just busted.  I had the luck to get 5 gold level healing items (One of which is the one that isn't a crystal and can be reused), 5 Heavy gold attack options, 3 gold heavy pink dice and I still fucking lost because the boss maximum DPS is too fucking high, health too fucking high, and the motherfucker is constantly healing or shielding, or attacking for fucking 12 of my HP per turn.  I had 29 health and still lost because the devs decided the final boss should be able to shield himself and heal himself without restriction.  I want to like this game a lot more than I do, clearly a lot care was taken in terms of the design, mechanics, art and programming but its busted. I do not mind that it is hard, I enjoy a difficult game but the RNG is too high to get a decent run.  I have had runs end on floor fucking 4 because I get shit items, each round I am given no option to upgrade health or dice, each new dice I could pick was all shit, and a goddamn moth kept out healing my max DPS of fucking 8 and when I start with a shitty healing dice that has the potential of only giving my back 1 HP of course I am nothing but fucked.  "It's a roguelite" I get that but its like when you play the binding of Issac and each item at the start is absolute dog water and you die 1 million times but at least in that game there is an element of control, I can get better at the game and overcome through dodging or learning what item is better than another, there is no adaption with this game, just fucking luck.  I have been playing this game since December (so clearly on some level I like getting my shit kicked in) and have yet to beat the game one goddamn time because each enemy is poorly designed from a gameplay perspective.  In conclusion, I hope when this game gets patched again we can get the correct balance between challenge and fairness because I like this game, it's cool or whatever, but if I lose one more goddamn time to a fucking to a fly getting carried by a moth and I have nothing but shitty RNG the entire time I am going to lose my mind.

I will try again later I guess.

Addendum: I won the next day after making this comment. 


Personally, I like to cut my deck down to as few dice as possible and upgrade them to gold (1 heal, 2 attack, 2 block and 1 boost or mirror). This way the dice you are given are consistent (in fact, you get the same 5 dice every turn after you use the heal).


Thank you, I will take this inconsideration the next time I play. I believe having less dice is what led to me actually winning.

After the update I managed to finish for the first time after months of trying... :D

will there be an android version in the future?


One suggestion I have is to be able to view your deck between rounds.

It's kind of annoying to get remove/upgrade dice but you can't remember your precise deck... like, do I have any dice I want to remove?

Hey! You can actually click on the deck bag when deciding which reward to pick. Thanks for playing :)

Aaaah! I had no idea (obviously).

Maybe it'd be a good idea to make that more obvious in-game. Also, I just noticed the discard pile... what does that do exactly? I can't quite work it out.



Amazing game. Very challenging, very like rogue!



(2 edits) (+2)

Really  nice game!

I have a few suggestions:

  • Endless mode, maybe preset rooms with progressive difficulty
  • Make it work on mobile. Shouldn’t be too difficult most controls are with the mouse.
  • Better explanations for what each enemy does. Maybe say their damage and abilities when you hover over them
  • Other than that more content

Keep up the good work.

Edit: For number two it works on mobile but you need to click mobile friendly in settings or else it says “This game is not designed to run on your device. Add it to a collection to play later, or you can try to run it anyway.

OMG! this game is amazing! I really like your dice combat syste

I think that restarting on floor 1 is not the best death system though .


Well, this is a Roguelite. Roguelikes and Roguelites are well known for resetting all (or in Roguelites' case *almost* all) progress on death, and it is supposed to be that each time you die, you basically play the game from the beginning. This mostly depends on opinion tbh.

I really like your game but can you make so that when we choose to gain a dice if we like none of them we could skip them (or reroll)

the music is really bad but the game could be great with some more polish you should keep working on this after the gamejam and add some stuff!

this game is awesome 


I've been playing this game for 6 hours now I need a hospital

not good for you

Brilliant idea, design and execution!

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