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I had a ton of fun playing. 

The most broken strat seems to be getting 2 remove dice rewards within the first 5 levels so that you only have one of each kind of dice (or two defense if you want). You can hit “done” without removing all 3. Then focus on leveling up the dice you have. This will ensure you get the same strong dice every turn, allowing you to steamroll until round 16-ish. If you have to get an extra die, try to get a mirror die or another defense die. Mirror + a gold defense die every turn is broken. You don’t even need to use heavy dice, but they help in the late game. I’ve found that a second healing die is sometimes a hinderance because it takes up a slot on the loadout and rarely gets used. 


Thank you for your comment :) It looks like the removing dice will have to be modified since when we the dev team play the game we also tend to abuse that option for an optimal deck haha

could just have a minimum required # of dice in deck

yeah I figured out that strat too, hopefully next update changes things


Hey! I absolutely loved playing Die in the Dungeon I've never seen any other turn based game like it! I hope u keep developing the game so I can play more! Good luck! >:D

Thank you so much! :D


Wonderful game, has the potential of an indie hit. The presentation and graphics are just the icing on the cake. Discovering cool synergies and combos makes it addictive


We are glad you liked it ^^


Awesome! I had a lot of fun with this game, it took a few attempts to beat, but I had a lot of fun with it. A little more variety with the enemies would've been nice, but it looks like this is still in development and a wonderful start. It was actually so good, I signed in just to leave a comment and say I liked it. Keep it up, please!

Thank you! We are going to keep giving updates to the game hope you like them ^^


7/10 I really appreciate the concept of using dices. It's fun, strategic, and unique. The enemies in the game are also really nice. The game's not too hard, but it just gets repetitive for a while. I also hope for a little story in the game (albeit I didn't finish all of the levels) but I overall found the game pretty nice!


Thank you for the feedback! The current version is very similar to the one for the game jam this game was initially meant for, so all the things had to be rushed, however with new updates we will be introducing new enemies, bosses and dices too!

hopefully more levels come soon


If you bring only heal dice into a battle, and then use them all up, you will softlock the game (don't ask me why I tested this I don't rightfully know).

Haha, we should've thought about that one. Thank you for letting us know, it'll be fixed in the next update ;)


it would be cool if we could also fight friends

Funny enough, we though about something like that in the developing of the game, that you could fight vs or with friends and their dices also displayed in the board and boost each other but we discarded the idea since it was too much work for a jam game, but now that we are developing this outside of the jam, who knows ;)

pretty fun but also pretty hard


I would love to get an android port at some point this seems like the perfect mobile game

incredible !


Real fun game, would like to see it become something big. With more variety in dice and more floors. love it!!



like this game( •̀∀•́ )(ฅ>ω<*ฅ)

reached floor 11 at my last attempt. this was a nice ride but it got extremely frustrated D:

(I mean that as a compliment; I can't go for another run bc it's 4h38am here and I've been throwing dices for the last 90 minutes, I guess that tells a story)

Its Kool! Very challenging after some floors. Highest i got is 18

Novel idea, cool. But the gameplay gets a bit repetitive overall. Especially when some battles take a dozen or more rounds (dang healing moths and shield guys). And then random choice of dice + plus low rolls on dice can really screw over the player, especially when one ends up in battles where the enemies can attack many times per round (such as multiple dual-attack guys, or a purple five-attack fly with other flies that get targeted first).

Wow. Solid entry. Lots to love here... Would make a great mobile "chill" game. Keep it up! 

I must just be stupid or something I keep losing on floor 12 that freaking healing tank dps combo is annoying as hellllllll 

F me... 6 trys highest floor 17 I'll be back when I'm  done with my rage quit breaking stuff.

Deleted 301 days ago
(3 edits) (+2)

My thoughts:

I came into this expecting a discount Dicey Dungeons. I was totally wrong. The dice being the only thing you use is an original and great gimmick. 9/10, may rnjesus bless thy. No 10/10 because enemy spawns can screw you over a lot.

I would love to see more special types of dice, like a "true" crystal dice that was OP, but can only be used once. Ever. Or a cursed mirror dice that swapped the value, making 1 to 6, 2 to 4, ect. It would make "the poop" useful sometimes.

Very enjoyable game. Congrats

balance changes,only strat so far is rolling for heavy armor or 6 attacks

So don't hesitate if you get the chance to add a new die to your deck, you might even find something unique in there...

That sounds nice, but I still can't pick "add a new die", because adding a new die is mandatory and usually makes your deck worse. So if you pick the option, it hurts you, even if theoretically there was a chance for it to help you instead.

The floor you are in determines the "rarity" the dice you'll get, in the first floor most of the dices you'll recive will be normal ones or silver if you are very lucky, however, on floors around the 15th one, most of them should be maxed out and even heavy or legendary ones ^^

I quite like this.



Really fun game, I keep coming back to it over and over again...

Some comments / QOL feeling changes as of 1.1:

- Overkill damage not spreading to extra targets is understandable, but combined with not having target selection or any way of dealing spread damage means it can be really inconvenient to have to pick between using a large roll to finish off something at one HP, or waste a turn dealing no damage (and incurring potentially big HP damage to yourself). I feel like it might be a bit of a balancing act- it could be possible to make common/semi-common traits for spread damage or piercing damage that come on dice you add to your deck, for example.

- HP boost / healing reward feels really weak at the moment. There are very few situations where I'd want to take it over a new dice or an upgrade because it's a limited heal or a smallish overall survivability boost, and so I usually always take the other option unless it's to remove dice.

- On that note, removing dice is... usually not very worth it either. It comes in handy in the niche case that you've picked up too much of one type of die that's clogging your deck, but doesn't really offer any other benefits. Maybe removing dice could give you points towards adding attributes (+heavy, -crystal, +spread, etc) to other dice? That'd give you an incentive to actually remove them.

- Overall the balance of the game is leaned pretty defensively - a heavy block die can carry you really hard if you get it early. There's not quite as much support for hyperaggressive play styles, it feels due to a combination of how large HP pools get on enemies, how much damage they deal, and the difficulty that healing poses.

Super super enjoyable overall, I look forward to seeing more of this!

Can't agree more. I take anything else over remove and almost never take healing. Max HP boost should be traded out for a 1 hp a turn regen or something.

I'm not really a fan of turn based games, but this was seriously cool. I honestly love everything about this.

I have only one complaint and that is that the dice combinations aren't too interesting in the beginning. I think a few others might have already pointed this out but it's seriously my only gripe. This game is amazing none the less


Here's a temporary end screen until the official one is ready! I hope you all enjoyed the game as much as I did ^.^

Wow! Thank you very much! This is so cute!!! :D


One of those that looks complicated but easy to learn and play :D Captivating game!

Steam PLS!! It's awesome!


Fun game! I enjoyed it :)


Thank you! :)

whats the linux commands (Debian) to install and play the game? 

the music is cool, the mechanic is cool and the style is cool, nice :)



this game is the best game I've never played in my life

I love this game! I'm very bad at it, but very well done! If there was more added on later, I would totally spend money on this! Again, great job. :))

Thank you! Hope you like the new update coming soon ;)


really nice game, but I wish you can save and load files because when I exit, I have to start all over again :(

How do I view my Max HP (so I know when to heal)?
How do I target enemies?
Can I divide my attacks so I'm not doing 6 attack on a 1 HP enemy?

You can see if you have max HP if the number of your life is in yellow, right now you can't target enemies or divide attacks. We might add more mechanics to this update that might change that thought! ^^


Great start!

Managed to beat the game in one go, maybe a bit too easy and doesn't seem much roguelite aspect to it as of yet.

definitely like how much freedom you have with customizing your deck, especially because of the remove dice option which lets you remove 3 dice in one go.

It is a bit unclear how the enemies act though, there doesn't seem to be any indication to their attacks and their damage seems random as well


I think you are the first comment that called the game easy haha, we thought about having each enemy display above their head their "intention" like in slay the spire but discarded it to make the game look simplier for the game jam, we may bring that feature back if we feel it's a nice addition ^^


You wot mate??? You beat it in 1 go what the heck.


Good game I rate this is as 5/5 stars (outstanding)

This is a list of thoughts of your game:

  • It's really fast and easy to know what to do
  • I like how it's a dungeon level although you should add different themes of the dungeon levels as passing through them
  • The textures very good
  • The story is good
  • I like the rpg layout

in my opinion legendary dice are completely useless, or at least way less useful then they should be, since they are always crystal, and you can almost they some results but without them being crystal with certain less rare dice.

Hmm, that's nice feedback, we will think about that.

Fantastic game, really fun and I enjoyed playing around with building  different 'decks'! 

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