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i used to sturgle on the bee fight until i releazide the honey times 2 feture and i would abuse it



(2 edits)

recipe for perfect run(10k):

run time: maximum 30 minutes

lowest hp: 20

it seems other things don't affect scoring.

edit: trying to get 10k for 7 times. let's see.



thats frickin awesome


thanks 🙏

Hmm, didn't know this was the recipe for 10k. Seems pretty easy, I'll go and do that.

good luck🖐️








-after beating the evil frog on floor 25 /or/ after getting all the badges:
  unlock a new mode where the player can build their own dice deck at    floor 1 instead of fighting the first enemy.

  (would be fun to make up decks and give people who finished the    game  something fun to do and mess around with some wacky deck    ideas)


COOL! I have beat a lvl 25

really fun


I think this is an easter egg or something? Or just a bug? (well, technically it is lol)



i died like right after :/


its quite hard i like it


After 4+ days of playing this game, I finally beat the Queen Bee and in the same run beat the game. I really enjoyed the mechanic of how to win, and I liked that you didn't actually get to fight the final boss and instead having the win determined by how well you fought up to that point. It's a long term payoff that felt great. Also this version of the game is ridiculously difficult at times, but I enjoyed the hell out of it and I can't wait for the full version!


I dont like the enemy where you have to hit them for exactly there health. I think it should work more like sturdy in pokemon with the ability to one tap them like the ability

actually bangin' game

This game is a lot of fun! I played the Prologue and the furthest I got was level 18. The game is simple to learn but hard to master. Can't wait for the full release! 


For those who like this game, Shogun Showdown is a lot better


no it is not 


both good af

(3 edits) (+2)

can't outsmart the dev i just remade a clear run and i had 47 hp on floor 25 so the boss dealt me 45 damage but i tank it and the boss was suprise and hit me for 9999 damage this perfect run took me 2h to set up 10/10 game


interesting case. thanks for sharing.


No longer loads for me on Edge.


(1 edit)

Nice rogue like game

Deleted 178 days ago

you just suck


Yeah, it is mostly about how you build your deck. The first 20 floors are actually easy once you understand the mechanics well. I can 'beat' the game every time now, regardless of RNG.

keep playing. you'll get better.


Die in the Dungeon - A Review

By Person

Goated ong

A really fun turn based rougelite reminiscent of games like Slay the Spire, a fun strategy game that is easy to learn but immensely difficult to master.

I'm astounded this game is free.


Incredibly fun but my only issue is that the difficulty spike between the first boss and the 21th floor is INSANE. Like the boss is manageable but then you are welcomed by three enemies boasting gold and silver damage dice right off the bat.

I'm 100% missing some core strategies/metagaming for this but still.


How far have people gotten? This went quite smoothly for me. Biggest change I would have made was taking HP over browsing over disappointing new dice more often.

this is my best in endless mod so far. mirror die + area damage die is very powerful combination.

I got to the same level as you in the comment below. The area effect die is super rare. Only seen it once.

how do you play endless mode?

when you get floor 25 for the first time, boss frog kills you instantly. you got no option (if there is no easter egg or smt) .

so you need to play the game again. when you get floor 25 for the second time and beat the boss, game asks you if you want to finish the current run or enter the endless mode.

cute and fun I can play for hours

any thoughts on using terrain die without losing tempo?

if we are lucky enough, we can give it hollow property, but we still need to wait for next turn. so, this kinda forces us to play block dice on current turn(and duplicate them with mirror dice if possible) and hope that enemies don't deal much damage which is not very likely on near late-game floors(one time I had 3 big archers with 15 hp + strong attack).

so it's not very useful for perfect run(10k) in normal mode. but it's also kinda a must to go further in endless mode.


The first turn is basically the most important. After that the enemies usually get boosted shields. The terrain die weakens your first turn. They will help you deliver massive damage, but eliminating at least one enemy in the first turn is very valuable, which is a tactic the terrain die impedes.

If you do endless mode you'll find that the enemies are tougher than the bosses. Your run will usually risk ending once you fail to eliminate one enemy in the first one or two turns. After maybe 15 games i have done better every time without the terrain die. There may still be an optimal strategy that can exploit it though.

I agree. after phase 4 on endless mode, enemies actually become strong enough to kill us in one turn. so, we cannot pass one round without attacking.

but the thing is: when we go further, base values of dice are getting weaker and weaker even if they are fully upgraded. and after certain point these dice are not enough. not just for attacking, blocking also becomes problematic. terrain dice would help about this value problem but sacrificing one round for terrain die might actually end the game. the only solution comes to my mind is being bulky enough (100hp maybe?) to absorb the attack when we use terrain effect.


The music in this game is weird and surreal, in a very good way.

Muito interessante. Finalizei a Abelha Rainha e o Chefe Final. Os dados secretos fazem toda a diferença. Interessado em saber o que teremos na versão final, quantos chefes, novos dados, etc

Really cool game !! Hope the full game will release soon

fun game

don’t know how it took me so long to try this game, this is exactly my jam and it’s super fun! feels like the first time i played slay the spire. music is awesome too, somehow simultaneously unsettling and funky… much like the scented hole.

only feedback that comes to mind is i kept wondering where the end of the game would be, was there a map or a progress meter somewhere that i missed? fighting a boss on floor 20 and then getting scripted deathed on floor 25 was pretty surprising (not a bad thing necessarily).

gonna try again soon!

game broke :(


one lucky run. everything just went perfect, couldn't get any better.

hollow + grow is a great combination btw.



this is my best 

pretty good. looks like lowest hp is the only issue here.

oh thats what I had wrong thx

how is it going? did you get 10k?

That's a solid deck, but yeah, avoiding damage on floors 3-8 is pretty dependent on luck.

(1 edit)


especially the enemies spawn in early and late game play a big role for perfect run.

(1 edit) (+1)

Very different stats for us. It's good to know 10000 is possible.


great run, congrats.

it seems run-time(max 30 minutes) and lowest hp(20) are what matter most. turns taken doesn't play much role here.

i love the lore ngl its so cute and dark

i finally got to endless mode :)

Amazing Game! Love the idea!

No mobile?

It runs in the mobile browser perfectly

I meant for download.

Not that I am aware, but what is wrong with just playing the browser version? It runs perfectly.

I can't play it without wifi



it will never be enough


Consider the following:

Love the mechanics. I only wish it was longer and maybe there was a bit more story/progression

what do you mean longer lol after winning four times its literally endless

In endless mode you can unlock new dice not available below level 25 through new events.

Fun for a few hours, but gets repetitive.

(1 edit)

you can add some challenges like getting S rank, or winning the game without healing, or  winning the game under 25 minutes etc.


I think perhaps the concept of repetition isn't necessarily about difficulty, but with how there is sufficient variety to keep it engaging.
Case in point: The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild with those Korok seeds... people finished the game and considered the very boring grind to be part of the gameplay. Should one really call that content? Aren't games meant to be fun?

(1 edit) (+1)

I get your point. From my perspective, repetition is more about action than content.

so you can really turn the content into something really fun, exciting or less painful.

I didn't play the game you mentioned, thus I don't have much things to say about it, but if players keep doing exactly the same things while grinding, well it's not a surprise that content will get boring eventually.

trying difficult, not logical or even not possible things might enhance the joy&experience you will get from the content.

I like to add some spice&sauce to my meal, you know.

best game on

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