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I really enjoyed the game, sadly i wasn't able to defeat the enemy on the final floor so i'l try again :)

yesss a new update :DA

Can't wait for more :)

Yessss finally attack option I've been waiting for!

this is such a cool little idea and the art style is super charming!

I struggle to find bad games with frogs

Reducing the amound dice you remove from the deck destroyed my main strat :(


Wow sadly after you beat it theres not much left to do i scene all dice types and such, plus theres no infinite mode or unlockables


Yay! I completed this game already! I tried a lot of time to beat this game. I played this game 4th or 5th time :000 I'm happy!

Gratz! ^^

Thx :00

Nice game, i played for two hours ^^

Fun game, love it! Congratz

Looks great


love it ... straight forward ... simple, effective ... 

If I had any requests/suggestions, it would be to add a way to increase the number of dice I could use per round, and im still unclear about how my dice deck corolates to what I get in a round ... maybe even an "oh shit" button when there are phases that are basically unbeatable.

This could maybe be added in a mode? Like "Easy" would have more dice slots, more starting health, hard would have one less dice slot, etc.


that would be cool! ... I'm such a super casual gamer lol ... I am ALL about easy modes! lol

more dice per round would just make this way too easy, I mean all you have to do is get a cpl hollow dice anyway


Really amazing game found by the YT Retromation, there is a big potential of this game, and I could really see it expand in a full game, with more ennemies, dices, boards rotation etc. with a system like slay the spire it would be really awesome. 

Keep up the good work guys. After 6 attents, I finally reach the boss but fail to defeat it! 


İf you are reading ths comment...
This game is so good you should play

I've really enjoyed this game so far. I think the potential is there for a really great game. The mechanics are simple to understand, but there's a fair bit of strategy to it all. The art, music, enemy variety, and dice variety are all lacking, but I think you've done the hardest and most important part already: making your game fun. I hope you take this idea and run with it. I'd love to see a full-fledged Die in the Dungeon game.

(1 edit)

I have a gold hollow & crystal heal die and it only rolls 3 or 4

so i chose the gold block die that only rolls 5 or 6

did i chose wrong?

edit: two minutes later i got that again so i chose the healing die now i am at floor 15 help there is a hard boss there

(1 edit)

It's amazing. It's the best thing I've played. But I got so sad when I died and lost all my progress! This should be a full-on paid game. It's that great! I personally love the Hollow Dice, as I didn't get any way of upgrading my Energy.  If this game had a map or checkpoints every 10 floors (if you die), it would be even better! Perfect, even.

Edit: 5th try, still haven't beaten it.

(1 edit)

why so hard like is it just me but i have been playing this game for hours

still hve not beaten it yet

like 20th try each 30 mins at least

love it hope to see updates it does not feel quiet polished yet and still feels slow, hope to see maybe pick 2 out of 3 chooses to make it a bit faster so you can pick and remove dice.

The uptade is amazing. I loved the new dices and the new property of dice. Also the atack heavy dices. Now we have more possibilities. And not be able to choice the enemy that i want to attack was something that was bothering me, so now that we have this option i think the game is pretty nice.

You've built a menacingly simple game here that deserves high praise.  I encourage you to continue work on it because I truly think you have a winner here.

Awesome game. I love the mix of styles and how the game is looks so fun with it. Congrats! 

Hey, thanks for the video!

this game. THIS. GAME. it was hard, took me weeks to finish it, when i got to the final floor i screeched at the bee thing. the bee queen thing. i was able to beat her first try, then screeched for a few more minutes.  10 out of 10, wouldnt plat again but would reccomend.

Honestly its an amazing game with really simple and easy to grasp mechanics. I just wish there was more levels and bosses because I really wanted to make my loadout perfect. I know one person's opinion may not mean much but I'm just trying to say that if this game was fleshed out given more dungeons maybe add a few more dice kinds like a multidice that lets you place 2-4 dice down at the cost of 1 energy. Adding a shop level to buy certain kinds of dice and then adding a gold dice that gives coins. There could be 4 sided, 8 sided, 10 sided, ect dice. Maybe add a reward like +1 damage, +1 armor up, or +1 heal up to all dice. This may change it from a rougelite to a rougelike instead though. I just can't help but see real and amazing potential in this game. I'm reminded of hollow knight with how everything is a bug and what you use to fight is a nail, I'm reminded of many other rougelike games I enjoy, and I am reminded of all the more difficult games I have played. I apologize if I am being presumptuous by giving suggestions but I just think this game could become a smash hit.

i think i am addicted to this

Love it, pretty hard

That's an addicted  mechanics! 
I'm really enjoying playing it.

I really like the gimmick and the artstyle :P

It's a great balance between being simple and being tactical, and a random element makes it even more fun to play.

Not to flex (well, maybe just to flex a little bit), I finished your game on my first run


Hey I played it and made a video on it, The luck that you need is crazy but I find it very fun. I love the main character with his huge sword and tiny frog self, I think its awesome that the enemies are bugs ( since frogs eat bugs....) Fun short game.   

Frog are cool, I think everyone can agree on that 🐸. Thank you for playing and the video!


Very cool game, cool strategy, art and ai. Great job for a one-week game. I am excited to see the updates for the future.

I don't know if you've played Terry Cavanagh's Dicey Dungeons (don't worry, it's a different concept!) It makes a lot of good design choices about decision-making within runs that extend the idea of pushing your luck from the underlying dice manipulation mechanics into the wider experience of playing the game.

So rather than just sending the player from one fight into the next, the player begins in a dungeon map and has some degree of choice as to what and whether to fight. The dungeon map offers health restores, shops and item chests, the cost for which is usually whether you take a fight or not, and a core part of the overall decision-making is that each fight offers experience points with level-ups restoring and increasing your health pool, and to reach max-level you have to have fought everything.

I'm sure there are other ways of exploring that space, but it does feel that there's a lot of potential in your game to build out that wider loop beyond the current linear incarnation.


Thank you for your comment! We are planning to add much more stuff to the game, and rooms that are not only fights are some of them. This game was made for a Game Jam in a 1 week period so we had to think fast and for simple ideas to get that done in time with a nice feeling. Now that we have plenty of time we can add all those things that we initially wanted from the beginning


Awesome!!! Im addicted haha :D

The core is ultra fun, but the balance ruin the fun in long run. Moth heal(2x wat!), beetle shield(boring battle) and purple fly(5x oof!) are too much. Appear impossible to complete the game without heavy heal dice - and the annoying proccess to loop through the dices until recover total heal.

I suspect that are only one optimal strategy that can beat the game, and the game balancing was created with this single strategy in mind. The problem is that the game allows many different strategies, and if the player chooses the wrong one, he will be doomed from the start 😥


Thank you for the feedback!
I have beated the game with almost all possible strategies, upgrading only attacks, no heavy no hollows, no heal, etc...
I believe the more you understand the game and what rewards you should chose in the current floor you are, the more probable it is to beat it.

How to deal against a comp like this?

Because randomness, I upgraded only one blue dice and receive ony heal/remove-dice options, my attacks are very weak

If beginning attacking, the damage will be recovered by moth and beetle, and I receive 4 free hits(double hit from archer)

If I start defending, the archer just wipeout my blocks and the beetle boost the shield

The screenshot are after 2nd turn, started defending

That's shame on the game, really
Nevertheless, the fact that you have 32 hp, tells that you wasted too much chance to improve your deck (and the shitty dices on the pic prove that)

(1 edit)

In 10 floors I received almost only "heal"/"remove-die" options, no "upgrade" option, and the "new dice" below floor 10 you receive only weak dice. I learned later, the best option is to restart if you don't get many upgrade options until room 10.

That's exactly what I suspected, the game only allows few strategies. For example, it's impossible to win the game just by choosing/receive new dice and heal, without upgrades or removing dice.

I managed to finish the game with some regularity, but always following a strict strategy, which doesn't allow much improvisation and rely a lot on luck on receive upgrades and really useful new dice:
- deck size 8 or 9
- start upgrade 2 attacks to max
- then upgrade 2 defense and 2 boost while trying remove 1 boost and 1 attack
- restart if you dont have 2 attacks max when reach floor 8
- new dice only after floor 10 (remove old dice after receive a good one)
- heal only if no better option

edit: I loved that game played 20+ hours, but the situations like the first screenshot are really frustating

(1 edit)

This is one of the most RNG games I have ever seen. I have played it over and over again and have yet to win. Game needs a soft* balance because frustrating does not equal fun.

*edited from "hard"

The luck aspect can be annoying but I've found that upgrading blocking dice before anything else makes it more likely I'll survive. You could try that and maybe it would help.

I have tried various methods which includes upgrading the blocking die first, maxing health, maxing attack die, maxing multiplier die, going for new die, and combinations of those above.

The RNG is the one of the main focus of the game (since you are quite literally playing with dice). Must also mention that the game gets quite easy once you know what you are doing.

I must admit the game is great Alarts, and I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't as I wrote this out of frustration. I understand RNG is the main focus of the game, however, with the many combinations and numerous attempts at trying to beat the game it just doesn't happen - even though I know what I am doing, or believe I know what I am doing. It is not hard to get to high levels - it is just difficult to beat as luck plays such a hard role.

And ironically - on my next try I beat the game.

its not frustrating at all, since this last update ive probably done about 10 games... won atleast half

(3 edits) (+2)

This is one of the greatest Roguelikes I'd ever played! The core mechanic is quite simple and extremely fun to use. Progression feels great, although it does need a little bit more balancing, like with the Max HP upgrade (it's a bit too less) and also the enemy attacks (the attack range is kind of annoying). Other than that, it's just plain awesome. I hope to see more of this in the future!


Thank you for your comment and feedback :)


I already loved this game pre-update and holy WOW—awesome stuff with this new update. Can’t wait to see where this game continues to go! Gorgeous art, clever mechanics and really well balanced, so far! Great work team! 🐸⚔️


I wonder if the 'get new dice' option could use a rethink? Being forced to take one means that if you get a bad range of choices, your run can become a lot harder, as your efficacy on any given turn is diluted.

It might be more fair if the player was given a choice to take nothing (the waste of a fight reward being punishment enough), or more interesting if the player had the option of exchanging a dice instead of adding one.

Hmm, maybe that's a nice idea. Anyways, I also believe we should rework that a bit since getting a new dice is useless at the beginning and optimal at the end

I think a never ending 'gauntlet' mode would be great for this

especially with the new hollow dice

It is fun but the end screen never appears? When I die , it just immediately starts again from floor 1.

The end screen only appears when you beat the game, when you die there is no game over screen

I didn't realize it was possible to beat the game lol


i was on floor 20, and the queen was on 9 health, but all my purple dice rolled low ;-;

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