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Maybe runner up world record?

Strategy was simple: mirror defensive dices until you max life and shield, then mirror damage. Would have reached beyond if the 2 archer 1 wasp combo haven't appeared on 66. No idea how to deal with 150 damage on turn one

As the other guy said, not over until reach floor 100


I am honored to find someone that managed to challenge my spot as world record.

however, I'd like to tell you what are the die you are looking for to get the "theoretical best".

1 hollow gold mirror die

1 hollow gold boost die

1 glass "all-6" terrain die

1 eternal and grow attack die

3 hollow and grow block and heal die

And good luck on your runs. We'll all need it.

Awesome game, only gotten to floor 25 once and still have the last unlockable to get, but I'm loving this so far.

reached floor 39 then it gliched out also why cant we keep our due dice like we can with other dice we unlock?

What kind of glitch?

Also, can you please reformulate your question, I don't get what you are asking.

i meant duo dice, the ones you unlock that are both attack and block for example, when the play through is finished we don't receive them as part of the dice we can collect unlike eternal or area dice

also the glitch was i was given a new die but i had maxed out my collection and the game just wouldn't progress and i had to restart the whole game

Oh! I call them spider-dice or fusion dice. And you can't collect them because they are always unlocked, just in the spider event. This is to make sure that the game still is balanced, lore-wise it might just be that this kind of die can only be acquired by a god-like being like the spider.

And as for the glitch, I have no idea, mainly because I only play with 5 die MAX. And I'd have to say that maybe it is a bug about you obtaining H a die when you weren't supposed to.  How did you get the final die?

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Love it, great game, I suck so its kinda hard though


(1 edit)

my goodness

is that a frog

*froggy boots*



he dissed me

Is there any way to increase the number of dice play per turn ? just 3 is a hindrance

yes, the "hollow" property makes a die not use up one of your energies when played.


I finally got world record for highest floor.

I'll put a detailed explanation of way those dices as a reply so that anyone can try it.

To my knowledge the previous record was floor 56 or the beginning of phase 7 into endless mode.

I had reached floor 51 thrice and after the second I quit the game for a year out of frustration.

Coming back I played three runs, the first is the third floor 51 death. The Second broke the world record: floor 64 or late phase 8 into endless mode.

The third run came right after as a celebration to the world record however it went way further ahead than I could imagine:

Floor 91, or the beginning of phase 14, doubling the phase number, and I could have gone further, but I was too greedy and failed to see a mortal treat from an opponent, so I perished.



The dice combinations I used vary from one run to another but generally follow a simple set of rules that make this achievement possible:

- Mirror + Boost

- Defense is the best offense

- The deterministic strategy

- Grow and hollow

- block & heal

The first rule is simple, always have a perma-mirror or a mirror die with all sides equal to 4 and the hollow property, that is a die that substantially a times 2 to whatever is opposite to it. And always have a boost die to work with it, because of geometry a boost die with only 2s and 3s will add 6 to whatever the mirror is duplicating if you play your dice correctly.

The second rule is a double, your dice that aren't support (terrain, mirror, boost) should all be focussed on Heal / Block, apart for one singular die. That must be able to hypothetically win every encounter if given enough time, so if it has the "area" or the "grow" effect it is more than enough, otherwise a "The Holy" is a good weapon to have.

The deterministic Strategy is a vague rule to say the least, the thing is, the less luck there is in your rolls, the more consistent results you'll get, which is very important if you are testing your luck of a roll multiple times per encounter per floor. With each new undetermined variable the chances of making it far become more and more slim. Because of that it is better to avoid having more than 5 dice in your bag at the start of an encounter as there will be a world in which you will roll bad dice that don't help you survive.

Grow and hollow is a lesson everybody knows, spam grow and hollow on all the dice you have, make sure to always be able to play 5 dice in one turn and make sure that your strength that keeps increasing with time.

Finally we have the "Block & Heal", this isn't a strategy, it's  a must to survive in the late levels, you need to find the "menacing spider" encounter and need to get a "block and heal die", without it you are basically guaranteed not to pass floor 50 or even sooner.

The best possible scenario would be to have 2 "Gold grow and hollow Block and Heal die", and if you look into the photo of the world record you'll see that I only needed the "grow" option on the second one and I would have been complete, until there I had been using a "Gold grow and hollow Block die", which is significantly worst than the die I was aiming for.

AS A SIDE NOTE, in my world record run it might look like I broke two rules: The deterministic strategy and the "grow and hollow", as I have a sixth die that is the "gold glass Terrain die", however that isn't a problem for the deterministic strategy for my intention is to play it as soon as possible to get a power boost in my defensive dice and after that never touch it again (The glass was intentionally put on that die for this specific reason.) And because of the glass property the "grow" property isn't applicable and the "hollow" property would be wasted on that die.

If you need more explanation just ask me, I'll always be happy to help.

Good job, and gl hitting your 100 floor goal!


I have a strategy to now try and achieve the die load-out of the world-record run, however it requires resetting and beating the game thrice before being possible.


I'll keep you updated.

I am enjoying this game A LOT!
Random idea, different shaped boards, and an enemy that will shake the boards so if you have any Heavy or Eternal dice on it, it'll move them to a random area.

Greate game!

what should we name the frog or does it have a name?


I've made it to 51 twice...  The second was the only time I've tried and successfully filled all the dice slots.


I got there thrice and it isn't my high score

However I'm glad to see that you're almost at my level, keep going and you'll reach me.

ive done 34 damage

Now THATS a lot of DAMAGE (Look at the bowman) 




Bro, just wait until you get to Endless Mode at a high phase, in my current run I'm at floor 69, have 104 Max health and I'm praying not to be 1-shot by the enemies anyway, which isn't a hypothetical! If I get all bad odds in a row, I'll be getting dealt around 165 damage in one turn. Pray for me please.

CORRECTION: thats shield

Not to offend you, but once I managed to deal 200 damage to the Queen Bee fight by exploiting Terrain-Honey combos, here it is:


Great game with unique mechanic! recommended for anyone trying out puzzle games.

my best games dice wise

Try only using 5 dice max, it is called "The deterministic Strat", if you only have 5 dice you will always know which dice you are going to get and can plan really far ahead.


this hurts my brian 

Who's dices are who's good question I just look at what is going to happen if I press finish and plan from there.


Fun game! wishlisted^^


This is tuf


This game slaps


less evil and more frogful sts 10/10


Me encanto este juego, incluso sin traducción al español lo entendí a la perfección. 

ademas el estilo de arte es sumamente carismático, me recuerda a mis tiempos de escolar. cuando me la pasaba dibujando garabatos en ms paint. 

bellos recuerdos...


I always find myself coming back to this game. I love it.




Addictive game d:




Mission failed, you'll get em next time


the guy with the sword literally make my computer blue screen, im not even kidding ;-;


I found  bug in my game

very funny, it is a feature and very lucky

I got it twice in a row

(1 edit) (+2)

this is the game that made me want to register also  love frogs


I had fun until the boss bee flooding honey dice. 10/10 will try another run

(1 edit) (+1)

Bomb seems useless late-game

It is, you should have never gotten that, also floor 42, good job, try to push for the 50+


This game was very fun, lots of options for dice. Can't wait to see when the full game drops. :)




my record was level 45. I looove this game!!!


I think you should add 4 modes be the frog boss ez mid and hard

Had a blast, thanks!

very fun ^^

bro why did the art basically downgrade like bruh

Fun game! Really cool to see this came from a Brackeys game jam- I'm curious to see how it progressed! Huge fan of the audio- both music and SFX. Additionally, art is beautiful.

Did want to mention, I did run into a bug in the tutorial- essentially, during the boost dice section, if an attack dice is played before the boost dice, the player is still prompted to put down a dice to boost, even though the attack dice is already on the board.

This is a cool formula! Reminds me of Dicey Dungeons a bit, but I mean how far can you stray away from the concept of dice, haha.

It's honestly the greates dungeon game I've played before.                             I love your game.                                                                                                           -GM

what happens when you get onto floor 25 with over 45 health 


I've been playing this game for like 2 years now and FINALLY got to floor 25 with over 45hp and the frog boss said the same thing about me being too weak and etc but I still had 2hp so the he said some stuff about only having one thing left to do so he gave me 9999 damage!!!! Mannnn I'm so sad I wish I could play the frog boss, though it did say "Victory". 


You can play the frog boss. You just have to play again after getting to the floor 25 the first time and you can fight and defeat him.

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oh thank you. congrats on finally getting it.

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