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THE BEST GAME made it to floor 16 and died

(1 edit)

Defiantly getting on steam 10/10


no gambling 0/10


Very NicE game, made it to floor 13 and died

(1 edit) (+2)

Great game, I got to the big bee, but right before I went into the pond in the middle of the room, leading me to only having 10 hp and dying.


hey bro how to have endless mode?

GG, you are officially one of the best person of this game, you got further then anybody else

(2 edits)

I think early to mid late game area dice are the way to go, but very late game I think the best dice hand is
-Gold Grow Block & Heal
-Gold Grow Block & Attack
-Silver Block & Boost
-Hollow Mirror
-Hollow Mirror

This allows for ~6 dice worth of effective health each turn. Worst case first turn is 27 shield (3 on both Grow Block dice and 3 on the Block & Boost die) and best case first turn is 34 shield (5 on both Grow Block dice and 2 on the Block & Boost die). 

I can't make assumptions about the average performance because of different face distributions, but I can estimate the average effective health gain to be ~6(n-1)+40 on turn n. (This includes actual hp gained, if you're at max health it will be less).

I would say a good estimate for health is ~80 when you acquire the hand. This would let you survive until the enemies can output ~60-70(?) damage per turn. The strategy would be to outlast+attack enemies until one is left, stop attacking and heal to full, and then kill the last one to move on to the next floor. Bosses are basically the same.

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Another possible build is

-(Max) Gold Grow Terrain dice
-Gold Grow Block & Heal
-Gold Grow Block & Attack
-Silver Block & Boost
-Hollow Mirror

Under the strategy I found this gives turns 1-5 under worst case scenario
1. 17 shield
2. 68 eff. HP
3. 77 eff. HP
4. 110 eff. HP
5. 123 eff. HP

I think this would beat enemy output up to ~80 at 80 Max HP.

The strategy with this build is as follows

H=Block & Heal
A=Block & Attack
B=Block & Boost

Alternate between

#  #  M #  #           
#  _  #  _  #            
A  #  B   #  T             
#  _  #  _  #
#  #  H  #  #


#  #  A  #  #
#  _  #  _  #
M #  B   #  H
#  _  #  _  #
#  #  T  #  #

If B rolls 3 instead of 2 then put B in the diagonal between A and M, to boost both T and H.

Apparently terrain dice go in the discard and don't get drawn into your hand until the second turn after, so this deck doesn't work anyways, disregard

Yeah, that is the whole problem that I have with Terrain, and it is also why I love Terrain, you know, if the Terrain isn't there half of the turns, then I can get a new one, but then my consistency is low and it doesn't work.

Anyway, you are a great mathematician and you definitely found out some of the best strategies, I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to reach floor 60.

But now I wonder, is there any situation where getting a "gold glass Heal and Block" is worth it?

Damn area dice are completely OP, you just have some boost and mirror and you beat the whole floor in one turn

wait until phase 4, there the lowest an enemy has 17 of health. and the highest has 37. Good luck 1 turning that

With mirror and good boost you can get up to 22, which is pretty good I think

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With best area attack hand I would say you can get ~30+4n damage on turn n consistently, but it would involve no blockers and a Boost & Heal die

OP early game but loses late game. Strat would involve taking out the whole floor before taking damage, but its an unsustainable strategy


I played this like 10 times all the way until floor 40 and never realized you could change the selected enemy. It should probably be added in the tutorial. 


Bruh, you must have had good runs to get to 40 without switching enemie

I just used block spam + grow and outlast, it works pretty well

fair enough

Great game!

Grow terrain dice is op

What happens if you get more than 45 HP upon entering Floor 25 for the first time (since the boss does 45 damage as an "instakill")

I don't know and I can't try, I don't know a way to reset your game progress.

Clearing browser cookies works for it

(1 edit)

Ah, I'll try

I got to floor 25 with MAX HP = 47, but in floor 24 I had been hit and I didn't possess any heal dices, so I entered with 29 health, and got 1 shot, however I have proven that it is possible, so I'll retry and hope for better RNG.

Discovered how OP a shield-based build is, tanking infinite hits until I got to a complete stalemate where I couldn’t deal damage fast enough against the healer

I like 1/2 attack (preferably 1 with area, but that doesn't always happen) and some block/heal dice

Preferably a both block/heal dice at gold tier, but I haven't gotten that yet :(

I wouldn't recommend 2 attack dices, because I feel like I am very inconsistent with them and I feel like I'm always loosing Hp no matter what I do, but if you feel like the damage you deal out-scales the damage you get dealt then you are fine with that strategy

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20th floor took me a while to figure out. The gameplay mechanics has actually has some depths. GG

Nice, now get to F25 for a surprise :)

epic boss fight, dam

What's the best dice build in far endless? It should be a 5-dice build with all grow, all hollow, and block + attack + heal + boost + maybe another attack, unless I'm wrong and you want terrain?

Also, what are these "half-dice"? I don't believe I've gotten the event that gives you that yet.

Also 2, Electric Boogaloo: What is Eternal? Does it literally just stay on the board?

yes, it has a maximum face of 3, but when you place it on the board it stays there for the rest of the battle, a strategy for late middle-game is to have a single grow & eternal attack die, and all the rest be heal, block and some kind of boost, so that you place the attack down and then you just wait for them to die, like a "spam block and toxic" in Pokémon.

Credit to Chirp87, world record holder (floor 56), for this strategy.

So, just get a lot of defense and one eternal attack?

Yes, but it is preferable to get the eternal with the grow effect and some boost/mirror to boost even more your Block.

The spider is a very strong event, it is substantially 3 trivia questions about the game, make one mistake and you loose some hp (I don't loose the trivia game in so long), if you make all three questions correct you are rewarded with a basic random & random die. This is basically a die that works as both its parts at the same time (terrain and mirror aren't possible parts of these dices), basically a "block & heal" die which rolls a 4 heals you for four and blocks for four.

All of these dices are waaaaaay stronger than the rest, to the point that they are a must for floors 40 and higher.

These are what are known as "half-dice" because they are half something and half something else

That's kinda busted, I think I want a block + heal for defense

yes, that is kinda of OP, I got that once and I got to 51 easily, however then I was forced to throw away the run by the grasshopper, if you get the heal & block and you can miss that even, then you can get to floor 60+.

It is good for your strategy to already prepare with always having 5 dices in your deck, unless you are a maniac and you go for a low-consistency (6+ dices) from floor 25 onwards.

However having lots of dices can help with the grasshopper, specifically the event that forced one glass into you hand, getting one with a 5- dices is substantially a run killer when at floor 35+.

I got to 51 (phase 6) twice and died twice to the grasshopper forcing a die to be glass.

And terrain dice are bad?

On a side note to this, are heavy attack/block/heal dice good with grow because of the dice value increasing a lot?

heavy + grow is good for some dices as they give X of what they are for X turns, and after that they get put in the discard pile

You can use them, but I think that they are too slow for phase 5/6, because they need 2 turns to be useful and in that first turn you can get dealt too much damage to survive the second turn, but there might be some ways to use them. Though I don't really like them.



(2 edits)

I did 400 damage. With heavy terrain.

Womp womp 

Nice, what was that? phase 5?

Tough without a Heal & Block die it is very hard to get past floor 50. Keep Grinding

I'm sorry I don't know how to post images... :(

(1 edit) (+2)

Great Game and Awesome art, it is very easy to get addicted to this game (in a good way) and that makes it a good game and makes the Developer a really smart guy.

Sometimes I wished that there were competitions on this game just to see it getting pushed to its limits by professional players.

Also here is a random dice idea: "void die", creates a an empty space X places away, can only have 0, 1 or 2 as faces, grow, terrain and boost don't affect it, and it gets improved by "silver" and "gold" tiers like the mirror die.

I think this would make for a fun die to play with, tough it might be a bit broken. and could fundamentally break the mirror die

fun little puzzle game, when played on desktop I couldn't find a "quit"at the game over screen tho...

It is an awesome roguelike with a lot of potential.

I'm excited for the official release on Steam.



Can someone please help me get to higher phases of endless mode? I usually make it to phase three, and rarely phase four, but I've never made it to 5. I have been using grow, hollow on everything. Block die are usually the lucky one. And my usual attack die are area. I sometimes take one mirror die and one grow, hollow heal die. I rarely ever take terrain, pierce, and eternal die (although I do realize that eternal, grow is op). I never take bomb die, and never take heavy die except for lucky one block die. So, if anyone has ideas on how I could improve, please don't hesitate to share. 

Thanks I'm advance, DITD Lover

(1 edit)

ok, here are some tips, trust me I'm good, I've reached endless mode in every run for the past 7 runs, I consistently reach floor 30 and I've reached floor 51 before dying to an unfortunate event with the grasshopper which forced my boost die to be glass.

Here are some things that I do to reach such floors, you might not like them but I believe them to be the right choice:

1. Thin to Win, having a lot of dices might be nice and make you feel powerful, but having only 5 dices increases the consistency of your build a lot. Always being able to know what you have is really good.

2. ALWAYS TAKE THE SPIDER, the spider asks you 3 questions, if you can answer them correctly it'll give you broken dices like a "basic block and heal die", get one of these dices and build around them.

3. Don't Use Terrain Dices, there dices might be good for the early phases, but I've learned that in a situation where weak attacks deal 5 damage Terrain are too slow for the situation.

4. Always Max heal, before finishing a fight always heal to full, it is way better to get the "increase max hp" option that the "heal to full" option as the fist one increases your Max HP permanently and increases even your shield cap-

5. Avoid Eternal and maybe avoid heavy, this dices might be powerful and might be OP with grow, but if you have enough hollow and you have followed point 1, then the lower numbers on the eternal dices will make a difference.

I hope to have given some good tips, Have fun :)

(1 edit)

Thanks, and as an edit, I made it  to endless five twice since posting the original comment. Also, spider event is op, but she only give me half boost, the other half random. Which, imo, is bad. Your thoughts?

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When you get Block and Heal then you are sure to get to phase 5, that thing can defend anything. ANYTHING, if you only get Boost & Random, Then I'm sorry, that part is full on random, and boost is the worst one to get.

Just keep on trying, sometimes you'll get a strong build and you'll reach phase 6, maybe even 7 if you miss the grasshopper.


this game was very fun but i'm stuck on floor twenty. is there more game after floor twenty?


Very cool. I like how modular the modifiers are. Really cool


Bro will NOT know what hit him.

first of all, HOW?

Also, I did the same but on the queen fight, I should have an achievement for killing the boss in 1 shot

Mirror and Terrain Dice. Its a LITTLE op.

Mh, I understand what you are talking about, I tried it once, I simply didn't have enough heal and block and I got killed before I could do anything.

It shouldn't be too hard to infinitely scale damage with time - I can think of a way to do it within 4 dice.
Mirror to get the result shown here, a non-glass terrain to keep scaling on that slot, and some non-glass heals and blocks for stalling capabilities

Highest score yet. BTW, are the bomb dice any good in the long run?

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No, I haven't found any useful strategy for bombs.

Also my high score is 51, I could have gotten to 56 and higher, but the grasshopper forced me to glass my only boost dice

P.S. You must have been so lucky, you must have gotten the "increase Max HP" so many times, in my best run I always exited with Max HP and I only got to 68.

Do you have any tips for me?

I just try to block super aggressively. That's why I like eternal, grow, attack dice. Play the dice, then outlast the baddies. In Pokémon, this would be the "spam toxic and potion" strategy :)

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I don't really know that well Pokémon but I get what you are talking about, tough I have to ask, If you are always playing the eternal block die, then way not make it hollow & grow and just always play it?

Never mind I just looked at the image :)

I think the increase max HP thing comes up way more often when you exit the fight with full HP. I think that otherwise it just gives you "Heal all HP" instead.

That is actually how it works, if you exit a fight at Max HP, then the possible "Heal all HP" card will be changed to "Increase Max HP", however when it will spawn is still random


is the "the poop" die for some secret?


nope! It's just an unlucky find lol

it can become extremely strong if upgrades to gold all faces become 6

Actually it can be upgraded to "the holy" dice with sixes on all six sides🤔

you can convert it to "the holy" by upgrading it to gold tier 

The "oops all ones" die can become the "oops all sixes" after it is upgraded to gold


Sucks that there isn't a save and load feature...😭

yea that's rough i was on like floor 42 and lost it lolol

this quite a fun game, Ithink am improvement would be more statis effects from your dice

ok we brought an ASS TON OF HOLLOW DICE now lets see if we beat the bee

the bee is so easy lol

if you play right

I think that the queen is a really easy fight also because of the honey dices that help your damage scale


a good and cute game to pass time in class.

so true


Jogo mais perfeito do mundo to obcecada por tudo! gameplay, pixelart, musica! tudo incrivel.


this is like my fifth time playing this game and I only now realise you can change enemy selection

I get it lol

What? What is enemy selection

Like that

Amazing art style, just a suggestion, the pink dice could upgrade the pink dice to make the other pink dice stronger.

might cause an infinite loop though

that is why


yea that would cause an infinite loop lol

I do think terrain dice should boost them though

but the value on boost dice is equal to how far away the tile they boost is, so making them higher than four would make them useless

I think that this should be true, but then I'd nerf the pink die a ton.

Also if pink could buff pink then purple should buff purple, which would crash the game

Nice art style!~

Thank you for making an amazing game <3

def gonna try to get higher

you should only use 5-6 dice lol

its a must

also try Die in the Dungeon Origins, it's on steam for free

yeah I realized this later, this was a super old run

wait is there a final floor?

ehh kinda in your first run, you die at 25 to the boss. but after that its endless

I was biased towards this game because normally I hate turn based games BUT this was something i didn't expected to play.Besides the super fun gameplay, the art was really astonishing too;  great colors, perfect anti-alising usage and smooth animations.Wishlisted already ,can't wait to play full version !


Every once in a while I come back to this game for a run or two. I really like it and I wish you all the best on the Steam version (already wishlisted it!)

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